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Earn cash by referring new family members! Our referral system features unlimited earning potential, starting at 25% commission for your direct referrals and 6.25% for their referrals!

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How The Referral System Functions...

Hey Gangsters!

Our beta testers have had a few questions about exactly how our referral system functions, hopefully this run-down will answer any questions about how it works, and why it's the best in the business. I'll provide the basic structure, as well as some examples so that hopefully everyone will have a better understanding of this wonderful system, and how it presents a truly unlimited earning potential.

In short, our referral system offers unlimited referral levels, starting at 25% commission for direct (first level) referrals.

One common question I received from people who hadn't used a site like this was:

"I know you advertise unlimited referral levels, but what does that mean? What are referral levels?"

Referral levels can best be described as "generations" of referrals. For example, if you were to refer your friend Tom, who in turn refers his friend Sam, then Tom would be your first level referral, and Sam would be a second level referral. Most of our competitors STOP paying after the second level, so you wouldn't make any more money after Sam. But lets say Sam refers 5 friends, don't you think you deserve credit because he wouldn't be here if not for you referring Tom? We do! Under our system, you'll be paid a percentage of these 5 friends' earnings, and a percentage of earnings from anyone that they refer, and so on and so forth!

"Exactly how much do I make for second, third, and subsequent level referrals? How does this compare to other sites?"

I suppose the best way to tackle this question is to first explain how most of our competitors' referral systems operate. Most sites offer 20% for first level referrals, and 5% for second level, a few sites will give you 1% or so for a third level but even that is rare. I'll provide some examples to illustrate the benefits of our program:

Example 1 (Using a competitor site:

You are using a competitor site which offers 20% for first level referrals, and 5% for second level.

This site will track the offer earnings generated by people you refer, whereas we track both offer AND referral earnings.

So, if you were to refer 5 members, whom each earn $5.00:

20% of $25.00 = $5.00
You earn a total of $5.00 from these first level members

Now lets say those 5 members each refer 5 new members, who also earn $5.00 each:

5% of $125.00 = $6.25
You earn a total of $6.25 from these second level members.

Grand total earnings: $11.25

Beyond that second level, our competitors pay you NOTHING. Even if those 25 members each refer 5 members for a total of 125 new members, they don't share any more profits with you. Some people are very talented and innovative and are capable of referring thousands of users. These users are known as "super-referrers" and are excellent to have below you. However, they won't benefit you one bit on this competitor's site unless they are in your first level. How unfair is that?

Our system: awards you 25% of your referrals TOTAL earnings, including both offer and referral earnings. So your commission includes 25% of your first level's total earnings, which includes 25% of their referral's total earnings, which includes 25% of THEIR referral's total earnings, and so on. Therefore, regardless of the number of referral levels, you still earn!

How much do you earn? Some of you math wizards may have already figured it out, but for the rest of us, here's the breakdown:

For your first level referrals you'll get:


From their referrals you get:

25% of 25% = 6.25% (second level)

From their referrals you get:

25% of 25% of 25% = 1.56% (third level)

From their referrals you get:

25% of 25% of 25% of 25% = 0.39% (fourth level)

From their referrals you get:

25% of 25% of 25% of 25% of 25% = 0.097% (fifth level)

And so on and so forth.

Now, it may seem like a small amount after 3 or 4 levels, but remember that there may be thousands upon thousands of users below you by these levels. And those little earnings really add up, as shown in this next example!

Example 2 (Using

If you were to refer the SAME 5 members used in the competitor's example, whom each earn $5.00:

25% of $25.00 = $6.25
You earn a total of $6.25 from these members.

Now, just like in example 1, lets say those 5 members each refer 5 new members, who also earn $5.00 each:

6.25% of $125.00 = $7.81

But unlike with our competitors, the earnings don't stop there!

Assuming that each of these second level referrals make 5 new referrals (this gives you a total of 125 third level referrals), whom each earn $5:

1.56% of $625.00 = $9.75

Assuming that everyone makes just $5.00 and refers just 5 people (some refer thousands) you will make the following:

4th level: $12.18

5th level: $15.16

And so on... the earnings can literally go on and on forever!

Now imagine that you get a super-referrer somewhere in your line, and he/she refers thousands! And they, in turn refer thousands! Or maybe you're a super-referrer yourself? You won't know unless you try! There is absolutely NO limit to how many people you can refer, nor how much money you can earn. It costs NOTHING, so what have you got to lose?

Click here now to sign up!!!

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